Friday, January 24, 2014

10:20 PM

Here below the blogger presents a recipe from the Rock Star ( Enfant terrible ), of the Haute Cuisine Mr Alain Ducasse !
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             Cream of Mussel Soup, with Saffron.
             Ingredients : Serves 4.
             1 1/2 quarts mussels, ( 1.5 lit ), 3 1/3 cups dry white wine ( 80 cl ), 1 1/2 ounces shallots ( 40 g ), parsley stems, 1 branch thyme,
             1/2 bay leaf, 3 ribbons orange rind, 3 1/3 cups sole fumet ( 80 cl ), 2 3/4 ounces tomato pulp ( 80 g ), 2 teaspoons corn starch ( 8 g ),
             1/2 teaspoon saffron pistils ( 2 g ), 9 ounces whipping cream ( 260 g ).
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             PREPARING AND COOKING THE MUSSELS : 1. Scrape the mussels, remove the foot, and wash by rubbing them against each other
             to clean well. Drain in a colander. 2. Peel, and finely mince the shallots and straw onion. 3. Tie up a bouquet garni with the parsley stems,
             thyme, bay leaf, and orange rind. 4. Place the mussels in a saute pan fitted with a cover. Add the shallots, bouquet garni, dry white wine,
             then cover the receptacle and bring as quickly to a boil as possible. 5. When the mussels have opened just slightly, drain in a colander
             placed over a stainless steel receptacle. 6. Delicately take the mussels out of their shells, and remove any frilly lace withought damaging them.
             Set 60 of mussels aside to bind the soup. Delicately put the others away in a receptacle, covering them with a little cooking juice.
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             MAKING THE CREAM OF MUSSELS :  Filter the rest of the mussels' cooking juices through cheesecloth, previously rinsed under cold running
             water, and pour into a pot big enough to cook the entire soup. Add 3 1/3 cups ( 80cl ) of sole fumet and reduce by half. Then add the tomato pulp
             and cook for 3 minutes on the edge of the range, maintaining a slight simmer.
             Dilute the corn starch in a little cold water, and thicken the reduction. Add the whipping cream and saffron pistils, and cook for 5 minutes over a low heat.
             Liquefy the soup and the mussels that had been set aside to bind it, then pour into another pot, filtering the soup through a fine-meshed chinois.
             Check the seasoning.
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             FINISH and PRESENTATION :  Reheat the rest of the mussels in the cooking juice without boiling.  Liquefy the cream of mussel soup one last time, add
             a few pistils of saffron, and poor into a hot soup tureen. Place the mussels in rose shape in the soup dishes, and serve immediately.